Color Your Own Star Wars Darth Vader TP

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Sale price$12.66
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(A) Salvador Larroca, Mike Deodato, John Cassaday (CA) Adi Granov
Wield your pencils, markers or crayons like a lightsaber and bring life to the world of one of the greatest villains of all: Darth Vader! For the Dark Lord is rendered here in 60 pages of crisp black-and-white, and he finds the lack of color disturbing! Vader is waiting for you to add shades to the legendary struggle between the Empire and the rebels - and he's brought along more Star Wars bad guys, like Boba Fett, Jabba the Hutt and the all-new rogues: Doctor Aphra, BeeTee, Triple-Zero and Black Krrsantan! Feel the power of the dark side and go to town with your charcoals - or bring out the Sith Lord's rarely seen lighter side with pastels! Use the Force, or press lightly! But whatever you do, join Vader, and together you can rule this coloring book!
All Ages

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