John Carter of Mars: Adventures on the Dying World of Barsoon

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Modiphius Entertainment presents John Carter of Mars®: Adventures on the Dying World of Barsoom. A roleplaying game from the mind of Edgar Rice Burroughs that transports you to Barsoom, an arid, dying land of ancient civilizations and fearsome creatures. John Carter of Mars is a science-fantasy roleplaying game using a pulp-action inspired variant of the 2d20 System.  A 288 page full colour, landscape hardback book with everything you need to play the game and introduce new players to the world of Barsoom.  Uses a pulp-action, narrative driven version of the 2d20 system with a character generation system designed to create diverse and unique heroes.  Detailed narrator’s section with information on how to run genre and setting appropriate campaigns.  Detailed information on the people, cultures, technology and secrets of Barsoom.  Introductory adventure Mind Merchants of Mars to help you begin to explore John Carter of Mars and the world of Barsoom. 

Made in the UK.

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